The UNITRON forensic comparison microscope series is a high-end line of comparison microscopes used in criminal cases. The UNITRON forensic comparison microscopes were designed with input from educators and scientists in forensic science, as well as police organizations.
Forensic scientists, police, and investigators use the UNITRON comparison microscopes to analyze evidence associated with crimes of all types. The line of UNITRON forensic comparison microscopes has the capability to help users examine and inspect hair, fibers, fingerprints, ballistics, tools, firearms, and more forensic evidence to solve crimes. The UNITRON forensic comparison microscopes are used to view samples like bullet fragments, opaque specimens, shrapnel, firearm cartridge cases, and more specimens that need to be identified for comparison.
A unique feature of the UNITRON forensic microscope is that it has a precision-engineered comparison bridge that allows users to view all sorts of forensic evidence simultaneously. With two sets of matched objectives and a 6-step magnification changer, the UNITRON forensic comparison microscope series also has a 22mm field of view, producing unreversed images which parallel the specimen which is being observed. See our line of high-quality digital cameras for microscopes to use with the UNITRON comparison microscopes.
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