Return Policy

Easy 30-Day Return Policy

If you're not completely satisfied with your purchase, you may return it within 30 days of delivery for a refund or exchange, subject to the conditions and exclusions below. All returns or exchanges must be initiated via email.

We'll refund the original purchase price, excluding any shipping fees.

Exchange or Refund: You can choose to exchange your item or get a refund for its full purchase price. We'll issue refunds to the original form of payment you used.

Free Shipping: If you return items from an order that originally received free shipping, the original shipping cost may be deducted from your refund. Learn more about our shipping policy.

Free Items: If your original purchase included free items, please return all associated items in order to receive a full refund. If you keep any free items, their retail value will be deducted from your refund.

Bank Wire Transfer: All bank wire transfer fees are non-refundable.

Eligibility Conditions

  • You may return new, unopened items within 14 days of receiving delivery for a full refund (minus original shipping costs).
  • Shipping and handling fees are nonrefundable.
  • To begin the return process, please contact us to obtain a Return Authorization Number (RMA).
  • Items must be returned in their original, unopened packaging with all included components (packing materials, manuals, accessories, and any free items). If you keep any free items, their retail value will be deducted from your refund.
  • All returned items undergo inspection. Items must be in new, resalable condition for a full refund. Damaged or opened items may incur a restocking fee or may not be eligible for a refund.
  • Please pack your return carefully to prevent damage during shipping. We are not liable for items that are lost, stolen, or damaged during transit. We strongly recommend shipping all items fully insured. Items damaged in transit may not be eligible for a refund. 
  • Returns of opened, unused items made within the first 14 days after delivery will incur a 20% fee. Returns made between 14 and 30 days after delivery will incur a 25% restocking fee. Please note: Returns must be in brand new, unused condition.
  • Returns made after 30 days of delivery will be considered on a case-by-case basis and will be subject to a restocking fee of 25% or more.

Non-Returnable Items

  • Leica, Motic, Swift, OPTIKA, and Mitutoyo items are non-returnable. Specially configured microscopes may incur restocking fees. Please check individual product pages for specific policies.
  • Reticles, micrometers, and counting chambers are non-refundable if opened. Due to their delicate nature, some may incur restocking fees even if unopened.
  • Steindorff LCD and Specialty Steindorff Microscopes are non-returnable. Please check individual product pages for specific policies.
  • Replacement bulbs are non-returnable.
  • Opened consumable items (e.g. cover slips, oil immersion, etc.) are non-returnable.
  • Custom and special-order items, including microscope camera couplers, are non-returnable.
  • Non-Returnable items are not limited to the above mentioned products, see product page.

Incorrect, Defective, or Damaged Items

  • If you receive an incorrect, damaged, or defective item, please contact us within three (3) days of receipt via email or phone.
  • Defective items may be repaired, exchanged or refunded at our discretion.
  • We'll assess the situation and either file a shipping claim (and guide you through the process) or arrange to have the incorrect or damaged item picked up.
  • Upon inspection by our technicians or manufacturer, if the product is deemed defective or damaged, we'll send a replacement at no additional cost to you.

International Orders

Please Note: Customers are responsible for any customs, duties, import taxes, VATs, or additional fees that may apply to international orders.

  • International customers are responsible for all shipping charges, including returns.
  • If you receive a defective product, please notify us via email within 72 hours for return approval. Upon return and inspection, if the product is deemed defective, we will reimburse you for the return shipping cost.
  • Please contact us for any questions regarding our return policy.

Contact Information

If you need product advice, technical support, or to enquire about quantity discounts, feel free to contact us by email or call us at (877) 877-7274.

New York Microscope Company, Inc.
100 Lauman Lane Ste A, Hicksville, NY 11801

  • Toll-Free: (877) 877-7274
  • Local: (516) 801-0313
  • Email:
  • Fax: (516) 801-2046
  • Hours: Mon-Fri 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM EST