Seiler Microlux IV Binocular Microscope for Mohs with 100x Objective
$2,299.50$2,555.00 -
ACCU-SCOPE 3000-LED Mohs Microscope - 2x, 4x, 10x, 20x, 40x Objectives
$1,792.80$1,992.00 -
ACCU-SCOPE EXC-350 Trinocular Histopathology Digital Microscope Package
$3,065.40$3,401.00 -
ACCU-SCOPE 3000-LED-MOHS Binocular Mohs Microscope - 2x, 4x, 10x Objectives
$1,387.80$1,542.00 -
ACCU-SCOPE 3001-LED Mohs Digital Microscope Package
$2,781.00$3,085.00 -
ACCU-SCOPE 3001-LED Mohs LCD Microscope Package
$3,231.00$3,585.00 -
ACCU-SCOPE 3001-LED-MOHS Trinocular Mohs Microscope - 2x, 4x, 10x Objectives
$1,555.20$1,728.00 -
ACCU-SCOPE EXC-350 Trinocular Histopathology Microscope
$2,244.60$2,494.00 -
ACCU-SCOPE EXC-400 Trinocular Pathology/Mohs Microscope
$3,541.50$3,935.00 -
ACCU-SCOPE EXC-400-BE Ergo Binocular Pathology/Mohs Microscope
$4,119.30$4,577.00 -
Dermatologists and Mohs surgeons use Mohs dermatology microscopes to identify irregularities in the cells of skin tissues and to obtain complete margin control during the removal of skin cancer. Microscopes suitable for Mohs and dermatology applications are equipped with a better grade of lower power plan achromat objectives including 2x, 4x, 10x, 20x, and 40x. For teaching or audience viewing, dual view and multi-head configurations are available with the Mohs skin microscope.
The Mohs microscope was named after a scientist who focused on cancer research with the dermatology microscope, named Frederic E. Mohs. These Mohs microscopes for skin and skin cancer help examine patients' epidermis. In Mohs surgery, the surgeon will remove a thin layer of the skin to analyze it under the Mohs dermatology microscope. They will be able to determine if there is any cancer that remains after a Mohs microscopic surgery procedure. Microscope cameras can be used along with the Mohs dermatology microscope to capture images and videos of the examination of skin cells.
Custom Quotations for Mohs Dermatology Microscopes
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If you need product advice, technical support, or to enquire about quantity discounts, feel free to contact us by email or call us at (877) 877-7274.
New York Microscope Company is the only microscope company to offer a Free Service Protection Guarantee with the purchase of every Mohs dermatology microscope. Visit our Free Service Protection page for more details.