Tabletop magnifiers and illuminated magnifiers from Meiji Techno and Vision Engineering are available in a variety of configurations, colors, and styles. They are most suitable for industrial, low vision, cosmetology, and laboratory applications.
When using one of our tabletop magnifiers in a professional setting, it's especially important to have a product that is sturdy and balanced. These qualities ensure that it won't collapse onto the floor or your specimen. That's why so many of our products come with an edge clamp. These clamps are tightly secured around the edge of any tabletop so that all you need to focus on is the task at hand.
There are a few different options for magnifications. If you buy tabletop magnifiers from Vision Engineering, you'll be able to choose a 3 diopter, 3.5 diopter, or five diopter glass lens, which provide between 1.75x and 2.25x magnification depending on which lens you choose. Meiji Techno sells two different styles of tabletop magnifiers: the MG800 and the MG900. The MG800 series has a standard three diopter lens, but optional four diopter and five diopter lenses are available. The MG900 series only comes with a four diopter lens.
If color is important, you'll have more options with Meiji Techno, which makes black, silver, red, and blue magnifiers. The magnifiers from Vision Engineering are only available in gray or black, which blends well in professional settings.
The styles of all the magnifiers between the two brands are pretty similar; the only other difference, outside of color options, is lens shape. Vision Engineering has plenty of options for rectangular lens models and only one model with a circular lens. Meiji Techno, on the other hand, has an even amount of each in all the colors mentioned above. To pick the right product for you, you just need to decide what features in a magnifier are most important.
If you're not sure where to start, we'd love to hear about your situation so we can talk you through the best products for you. Give us a call during business hours or send us an email today!
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